Life at McCormick’s Creek this month has been damp, to put it mildly. We have had more days with rain than without. Friends, Mabel and Benny Smith, are camp hosting with us. We had planned to hike all the trails throughout the month, but there have been few days when the trails were not too muddy to walk.
We’ve enjoyed several visits with the family, though, and were able to walk on a couple of those days.
Chris, Jeanne and Cameron brought Dakota with them.
Chelsey and Alyssa climbed the fire tower. Grandpa and I decided our legs couldn’t handle all those ladders anymore.
A few of the rains have come with hard storms. A few days ago, lightning hit several trees in the park. This one was split from top to bottom.
Just a few feet over, the bark was blown from the tree in the right photo in a random pattern, throwing bark even across the road into a site there.
We did manage to hike the trails a couple of times with Benny and Mabel, but on this one, Ron and Benny had to lay additional rocks in the streams for us to be able to cross. Benny and Mabel will leave at the end of this month. Ron and I will stay through