Each March since our first year in Yuma, we have planned to go to the annual Strong Hearts Native Society Powwow held in nearby Bard, CA. This year we finally made it. After a lunch of delicious Indian Tacos (a huge mound of taco fillings piled on fluffy frybread), we enjoyed watching dancing throughout the afternoon.
The Grand Entry

The feathers, beading and colors of the native costumes are a delight to photograph.
We love watching all the dances, but I think our favorites are the Jingle Dress and the Fancy Shawl.
We have a very active quilter’s guild in the park, as well as many other talented artists. Each March, we hold our annual Quilt and Art Show. The hall is filled with myriads of colorful patterned masterpieces.
(That’s Ron’s partially carved wooden chain in the upper left.) I didn’t display a project this year. There were several demonstrations throughout the show. Bernice and I demonstrated tatting while Shirley showed how to make a beautiful crocheted afghan.
Ron gave a reading “The Cowboy’s Prayer” at Gospel Night.
The Y.E.S. (Yuma Encore Shuffleboard) had it’s first End of Season Playoff. All 6 teams, under Ron’s leadership, converged at Mesa Verde RV Resort for a day of fellowship, games and fun.
March is traditionally a month of last times and goodbyes at Cactus Gardens. Most of the snowbirds have flown north by the end of the month.
The End of Season Billiards Dinner was held at the E.A.T. Chinese Restaurant. Here, Ron, Sam and Berniece hand out the season awards to the best players.

We have several Pizza Parties throughout the season with our Thursday night Pool players. Rudy even entertained us with some music at this one held at Bob and Dianne’s. 

After 4 years, it was hard to say goodbye to Pastor Don and Pat Wheeler when they announced they would not return to Yuma. One of the first Sundays Don was present, he wore an Hawaiian shirt. He told from the pulpit how he loved the shirt, but Pat thought it inappropriate for the pulpit. The next Sunday, several of the men in the congregation were sporting Hawaiian shirts in support.
They again showed their support for Don by wearing their Hawaiian shirts to his last service. Don and Pat gave a big portion of themselves to the Park. We will really miss them.

The Shuffleboard End of Season Dinner was held at the E.A.T. Restaurant also. Ron gives out those awards here.

The Encore Corporation had a beautiful day for it’s Going Away Party. I helped at both the Cactus Gardens and the Desert Paradise Party.

We enjoyed a month’s visit from friends, Pam and Herb. One night we gathered for a game of dominoes.

As usual, March had been a full month. I designed my Crazy Quilt block of the Month to depict the highlights of our month. You can read more about it on my Craft Blog, Spare Moment Stitching.